Sunday, October 25, 2009

give it to me, stud.

I'm sorry Blogger, but things just aren't working out.

yeaaaa brother, that's where it's at :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

we stuck like glue eh

There are very little things that I think are sexier than Pin-Up girls.
Like seriously, they are fineeee.

just another one of my secret loves :)

P.S planning on killing the blog, and doing the whole Tumblr thing.
My cousin will love me more if I do hahahha x

Monday, October 19, 2009

so let me walk with you, hold my hand

You could say that I am a very particular person. I don't mind, honestly :) I'm particular about plenty of things: the length of dresses, the thickness of fringes, the height of a heel and the amount of space I have in my bed at the end of the night. I am very particular indeed. However, above all this insanity, the one thing that drives me absolutely insane is when someone calls me something they shouldn't. See, I don't have one name that I tell everyone, and expect to be called. No, I have more names than I can count =.= So, when I tell someone to call me something, and instead they call me by a name that someone else calls me by, it absolutely shits me. No one other than Amee or K. Yan has the right to call me tiki, and I can't stand it when people who I introduce myself to as Atiqah, call me Fatti (like who do these people think they are?) Please don't call me baby unless you are my baby, and just never ever call me babe, girl or tiqs (ugghh). Despite being expected to be treated like a complete princess all the time, there is only one person who can get away with actually calling me that, hahaha :) I would punch anyone who called me Grinchwoman that wasn't Lizzle, and feel completely uncomfortable with anyone but Boo calling me Gemok. I find it a complete turn on when guys call me Atiqah in the cyber world, yet totally weird when anyone but my family call me that in real life. So after Fatti (to those who I have introduced myself to as that, of course), my most preferred way of being called is Tiqa, and though I remain completely normal when anyone else calls me by that name, I hate it when this one specific guy does because it sounds so sleazy when he does, yet go weak in the knees when another particular guy calls me by it LOL.

As i said, I am very particular :)
So please, call me by what I agreed on when we first met, unless of course there have been prior arrangements hahhahaa.


Friday, October 16, 2009

distance is nothing

The love that I have for these two is amazing.
We see each other like once every two years,
and every time it's like we haven't even spent a second apart.
This here, THIS is love.
love feeeeet :)
mijaaaaa !

dirty dirty dirty teeeth LOL
starting to get a little Holy, as we do :)

then things satrted to get a little out of hand when I put on a scarf ...
Yes, yes I do love these two =D

Thursday, October 15, 2009

absentmindedly making me want you

I want to do something completely irrational, crazy and maybe stupid.
Yes, I would like to.
I would like to alot.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

i aint never had nobody do me like you

while in Bali, i learnt of many things: culture, relationships, love, heartbreak, secrets - well basically, the lot :) but something that amazed me the most was how two people could possess the same mannerisms due to the two spending alot of  time with one another. Now it's obvious that this is a complete no-brainer, and no, I am not stupid - It's very clear to me that when people spend crazy amounts of time with each other they tend to act and think the same, but what amazed me was that two people i know, who had spent years apart after being together still did such similar things. A cousin of mine has an ex-boyfriend in Bali, and with the two of them being so completely mature, we spent every single day with him, which was nice because he showed us around and was plenty of fun. Things weren't awkward and they didn't avoid each other, but when i wasn't meddling, trying to get the two of them back together, i was sitting in between them to make things well, easier. This of course in the end made things so much more worse because fiza (my cousin) would do something to me, and then sheike ( "shake" - the ex) would do the exact same thing ! This of course resulted into me teasing the two on how they are destined because of their similarities. We were sitting @ a table eating dinner, my left leg crossed over my right and sheikh started trying to kick off my slipper. getting pissed, i switched it over and crossed my right over my left but then fiza started doing the same thing. This just made me laugh instead of get  angry, and as i teased the two about how it must've been a game the two played while out on dates, i got told to shut up :( hahaha, not only did they have little things like that in common, but i swear their touch was the same. Now, i know it sounds crazy because despite them doing the same little things, no matter how much time two people spend together they can;t possibly learn to have the same touch, but they did. I'd be lying on the bed reading and sheikh would come up to me and annoy me by tickling my thunder thighs, and after shooing him off, fiza would come and do the same thing. I swear if i didnt look at her, i would have thought it was still Sheikh. The thing that amazes me even more is that the two hadnt even SEEN each other in almost two years and yet they were like two peas in a pod. It's crazy how things dont work out huh ? especially when its for two wonderful people :) it sucks how too many things can happen that change too many things making it impossible for things to go back to how they used to. Humans sure are funny creatures.

in good company

I fell in love in Bali. I did. Me, terrified of commitment in all forms, fell completely and utterly in love. That's right: While in Bali, I fell in love with Bali :) the place is absolutely surreal. It's crawling with JUST as many tourists as locals, and honestly, fuck New York, Bali is REALLY the city that never sleeps. Clubs go OFF every single night till 4/5 in the morn, and by then, surfers are upupup to catch the morning wave - it's insane. Yes it is completely dangerous if yu travel like an idiot, but when acting wisely, the place is a haven. If yu're one for the parties, yu canNOT retire till yu have been in Bali. It's really something yu must experience for yurself :) Bali def made me see many things like never before.